Serving the Catholic Community of Castro Valley

Knights of Columbus

Save the Date—November 9th, 2024
Stack Center at 6:00pm

The Knights of Columbus, St. Maximilian Kolbe Council 16770, organizes many fundraising activities throughout the year, benefitting OLG, such as the Dinner with the Franciscans, Family Movies Nights, Outdoor Concerts, and more.

Meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of each month at 6:30pm in Stack Center.

The Knights of Columbus is the largest international Catholic Men’s Fraternal Organization and is looking for Catholic Men who are interested in putting their Catholic Faith in Action! If you are interested in joining, please contact Grand Knight, Bret Sanford at

The Knights’ Monthly Prayer Garden Clean-Up
Help Wanted! The Knights are looking for volunteers to assist with sprucing up OLG’s Prayer Garden on every 4th Saturday of each month.

If you are interested, just show up and bring your gloves, hat and water. The Prayer Garden is located next to the rear entrance of the church. Tools will be provided but you may also bring your own from home. See you there!

The Knights’ Monthly Coffee & Donuts
Beginning in October, every 1st Sunday of each month, we host Coffee & Donuts for our Parish Community after the 9:00am Mass. Join us for food & fellowship!