Serving the Catholic Community of Castro Valley

Serve – OLG Ministries

Works of Mercy

As Catholics, we are called to imitate Jesus’ compassionate love, service, and sacrifice. One way we imitate Christ is through our actions, actions which are informed by the three theological virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love. These virtues are expressed in what Catholic teaching refers to as the ‘Works of Mercy’.

There are fourteen Works of Mercy, divided into two categories:
• Corporal Works of Mercy: Meeting the physical needs of the person.
• Spiritual Works of Mercy: Addressing the needs of a person’s soul.

Rather than creating onerous demands on our lives, taking daily action in one or more of the Works of Mercy is a significant way of living our lives of faith as Catholics. Join us as we live out our faith and impact our community.

Opportunities For Works of Mercy

At Our Lady of Grace, our ministries and organizations provide opportunities for our parishioners to engage in meaningful action, enjoy fellowship with one another, and purposefully live out the call to “love our neighbor” through the fourteen Works of Mercy. While the following ministry listing at Our Lady of Grace Church is by no means an exhaustive inventory, we hope it will provide a useful path for engaging in the Works of Mercy by serving Christ in Castro Valley.

Liturgical Ministries   |   Community Outreach Ministries   |   Faith Formation Ministries   |   Parish Life Ministries

“In this life we cannot always do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” – Mother Theresa

Liturgical Ministries


Assist priests at liturgical services, especially the Mass. Open to Boys and Girls in 5th – 12th Grade. Weekend Masses and Wednesday school liturgies. Training provided. For more information, please contact Bonnie at


The ministry of altar care consists of weekly care of the Altar and Sacristy, washing of altar cloths, care of holy water fonts, plants, flower bouquets and vestments.


Parishioners arrange the flowers for the altar on a weekly basis.


The Art & Environment Committee is comprised of parishioners who are responsible for enhancing the church with seasonal decorations according to the Liturgical Seasons of the Catholic Church.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute Holy Eucharist at Mass. Assignments are made on a rotating basis based on individual availability and mass preference. If you are interested, please call the Parish Office at 510-537-0806 or email:


Lectors are men and women who proclaim the first and second scripture readings at mass. All lectors receive one-on-one training and are provided a lector workbook to assist in background and points to be emphasized in each reading. Assignments are made on a rotating basis based on individual availability and mass preference. If you are interested, please call the Parish Office at 510-537-0806 or email:


CHOIR – (open to ages 18 and up) provides music at the Sunday 11:00 AM Mass. Rehearsals are Thursdays at 7:30 PM. Cantors from the choir sing on Saturdays at 5:00 PM Vigil Mass. If you are interested, please email:

FOLK GROUP – A group of musicians who minister to the parish weekly year-round with contemporary Catholic music at the 9:00 AM Mass. (Music knowledge required.)  Rehearsals are weekly. If you are interested, please call the Parish Office at 510-537-0806 or email:

5:00 PM ENSEMBLE – A group of musicians who minister to the parish monthly year-round with contemporary Catholic music at the 5:00 PM Vigil Mass – typically, the fourth Saturday of the month although this is subject to change. (Music knowledge required.) Rehearsals are scheduled in the afternoon prior to the scheduled mass. If you are interested, please call the Parish Office at 510-537-0806 or email:

LA MISA DE ESPAÑOL – Coro en la misa de español a la 1:00 p.m.


Sacristans prepare the worship space for the celebration. This includes setting up the sacred vessels, ciborium and hosts. After the liturgy, the sacristan will help to clean up and leave the sacristy in good order for the next group of ministers that will come in for the following liturgy. Typically, 5:00 PM Vigil Mass sets for 7:30 AM. 9:00 AM Mass sets for 11:00 AM Mass.


Ushers are parishioners who assist with taking up the collection at weekend masses and who are available for distributing bulletins, assisting with special seating needs and emergencies.

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“Love God, serve God; everything is in that.” – St. Clare of Assisi

Community Outreach Ministries


FESCO is the Family Emergency Shelter Coalition, a non-profit organization that is a coalition of churches providing shelter and services to families with children who find themselves homeless. Les Marquis is a 22-bed emergency shelter that houses up to eight families – both male and female. Banyan House provides transitional housing for five to ten months. Services include counseling, case management and assistance with resources to sustain permanent housing. One member from each church sits on the FESCO Board and also as a liaison with the church in terms of communicating about FESCO’s work and needs and coordinating parishioner assistance with same.


Members provide hospitality after parish funerals by providing a meal in a pleasant setting for family members and friends of the deceased. Many parishioners show a spirit of Christian stewardship by providing food, sharing their time and talent for the reception. If you are interested, please call the Parish Office at 510-537-0806 or email:


Pastoral Care to the sick enables elderly and ill parishioners to receive communion on a weekly basis. Each visit includes talking with the sick (some have no family to visit them), praying and administering the Eucharist. This is a wonderful opportunity for anyone who can volunteer a couple of hours a week. If you are interested, please call the Parish Office at 510-537-0806


This group is dedicated to the Gospel values of peace and social justice in our community as well as in the world at large. Along with other activities, they organize movies nights and arrange for speakers on social justice themes and hang a “black drape” on the church door on days of scheduled executions. They participate in activities that support Bread for the World, FESCO, and the South Hayward parish and are affiliated with Pax Christi, USA, a Catholic peace organization. If you are interested, please email:


A group of individuals crochet and knit shawls for the homebound and sick in our Parish community. As the shawls are made, prayers are said for whomever will ultimately receive them. Each recipient receives a prayer with the shawl that has been blessed by our pastor at a community mass. The shawls are labeled “Made Just for You -Our Lady of Grace Prayer Shawl Ministry”. If you are interested, please call the Parish Office at 510-537-0806 or email:


A Catholic lay organization that helps the poor and those in temporary need. Member parishioners visit them in their homes and bring not only food and financial assistance but hope, prayer and an understanding ear. Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month. If you are interested, please call the SVdP line at 510-581-2164 or email: Someone will get back to you.

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Faith Formation Ministries


Instructions to parents, godparents and families preparing to have infants and small children baptized. The ministry team shows a video and facilitates a discussion of the rite and ceremony. Please call the Parish Office at 510-537-0806.


Study of scripture through the eyes of our Catholic Faith using the Bible, Catechism of the Church, and other supplemental materials.

Men’s Faith Share – Every Tuesday at 7:00pm in Stack Center, Room 7
Women’s Faith Share – The next series begins on September 17th, 2024. Click Here for more details.


Held twice a year on a 3-day weekend at Holy Redeemer in Oakland, the Cursillo, a short course in Christianity, is for those who desire to deepen their spirituality respond to God’s calling in their lives. Its purpose is to make a Christian community possible in all neighborhoods, parishes, work situations and wherever 2 or more are gathered. Women’s meetings are held twice a month and Men’s meetings are held once a week. Please call the Parish Office at 510-537-0806.


The Hispanic Group supports the faith development of our Spanish-speaking community through celebration of the Mass in Spanish, through prayer groups for youth and adults, and through community-building events. Masses in Spanish are held at 1:00 PM on Sundays.


Students in grades K-8 gather on specific Sundays to learn about and grow the faith, through scripture, doctrine, music, video and crafts. Volunteers are needed as catechists (teachers), catechist aides, class help, office help, event coordinators, communications.


Becoming Catholic is a sacred rite of passage. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a process of exploration, discovery and formation for adults desiring to become Catholic. The ministry nurtures inquirers through the formative stages of the Catholic faith, providing answers to questions and spiritual and religious education. The ministry offers opportunities in hospitality, teaching and being a sponsor.
Please call the Parish Office at 510-537-0806 or email

Volunteers are always in need in assisting with class preparation and during classes. Training is provided.

Baptism -Pre Baptism classes are held the 1st Wednesday of each month, throughout the year.

Whole Family Year 1 (students who are beginning their Sacramental studies for 1st Holy Communion meets about twice a month, August-May.

1st Holy Communion (at least entering 2nd Grade) meets about twice a month, August-May.

Whole Family Program (students who have received the Sacrament of 1st Holy Communion) meets once a month, August-May.

Confirmation (9th-12th Grades) The Confirmation Program serves high school students, grades 9th-12th, helping them prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation and assist in cultivating their faith after Confirmation. Students gather about two Sundays a month, August-May. Volunteers are needed as team leaders, discipleship conference mentors and chaperones.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) meets about four times a month, August-May.

RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children & Teens) meets with the First Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist families, one Sunday per month.

For inquiries, please email:

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Parish Life Ministries


Parishioners are invited to the Gathering Area (outside the rear entrance of the church) for coffee and donuts, held on the 3rd Sunday of the month, after the 9:00 AM Sunday liturgy. We thank Our Lady of Grace School and the Knights of Columbus for this ministry of hospitality.


Our Parish plans several fun key events throughout the year that build community and act as critical fundraisers for the Parish. These events are only possible through the kindness and dedication of those parishioners who step forward to chair and work the events. Volunteers are always needed.


Held in January or February each year and is organized by Our Lady of Grace, CYO (Catholic Youth Organization).


Our biggest fundraiser event – held the last weekend of September every year and featuring game and food booths, entertainment and a raffle. Requires event chair and/or co-chair, food booth chairs, game booth chairs, facility logistics chair, raffle chair, entertainment chair, security, setup and clean-up crew and workers for all of the booths.


Held in May every year. Requires event chair and/or co-chair, auction item chair, server coordinator, setup and clean-up crew.


CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) sport programs for 2nd-8th grades, employing healthy and enjoyable competition to promote the sharing of gospel values among athletes, parents, and coaches. Adults are needed as coaches, athletic directors, and board members. Visit their website at: Our Lady of Grace CV CYO (


These volunteers act as caring stewards of our gardens and grounds. They beautify the landscape with tasks that include weeding, watering, taking care of all rose trees and bushes, and planting seasonal flowers in planters when needed. Volunteers are always needed to help in any area of choice, from watering to weeding to planting with the level of involvement being completely up to the volunteer in this ministry.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS – St. Maximilian Kolbe Council 16770

Knights of Columbus organize many fundraising activities throughout the year, benefitting OLG, such as Family Movies Nights, Outdoor Concerts, and Dinner with the Franciscans. The Knights of Columbus is the largest international Catholic Men’s Fraternal Organization. Meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of the month at 6:30pm. If you are interested, please contact Grand Knight, Bret Sanford at

COLUMBIETTES – Knights of Columbus Women’s Auxiliary

The Columbiettes are active in helping the Knights of Columbus with parish activities and fundraising efforts. Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm. For more information, please call Martha Condon at 510-604-6984.


Founded in 1924, the ICF is a family-oriented non-profit fraternal organization dedicated to promoting activities that build faith and family and operates on the belief that we accomplish more together than we can alone. There are monthly dinners with a short meeting where they share their culture, heritage and religious beliefs. They also sponsor fundraisers that help provide education scholarships and support many charities such as research for Coulee’s Anemia. The ICF meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM. Visit:

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