Serving the Catholic Community of Castro Valley

Adult Bible Study

Study of scripture through the eyes of our Catholic Faith using the Bible, Catechism of the Church, and other supplemental materials. Currently we have two study groups:

  • Men’s Faith Share – Tuesday Evenings – from 7:00-8:00 pm held in Stack Center, Room 7.
  • Women’s Faith Share GroupExploring the Four Gospels”

The Women’s Tuesday Faith Share Group begins a foundational Bible study, with Dr. Brant Pitre on Tuesday, April 16th at 7:00pm in Stack Center. This video series will take us on a tour of the Four Gospels answering such questions about the origins of the Gospels, such as:

  • Who wrote the Gospels? Are they really anonymous?
  • When were the Gospels written?
  • What did the Church Fathers believe?
  • What do modern scholars believe? Why?

This 6-week series meets every Tuesday thru May 21st in Stack Center and all women of the Parish are invited to join in watching the video and discussion each week.  Questions—contact Heidi at