We welcome photos which will be compiled into a final format later this year to be shared with our church community. You may email your photos to We ask that you share no more than 5 photos per email.
Story, Anecdote, or Reflection for Mark Vaz
The topics are virtually endless—you might be part of a parish ministry, part of the parish school, perhaps, you’re a member of long-range planning committee. Please prepare your written memory as soon as possible. Printed statements should be double-spaced. If you don’t have a computer or printer, you may print it out by hand, just make sure it’s clear and legible. Include your full name and contact phone number in case Mark has any questions. Please submit it to Jay at the Parish Office or put it in an envelope and slip it in the office mail slot and label your submissions to “Mark Cotta Vaz/75th Anniversary History”. If you have any questions or need some encouragement or assistance on writing your story, contact the Parish Office at 510-537-0806 to get Mark’s phone number.
If you would like to assist with any of our planned events, please let us know! Email or call the Parish Office at 510-537-0806.
Seeking Sponsorships
We invite businesses and families to sponsor our 75th Anniversary Celebrations. All Sponsors will have their name or business printed on our banner which will be displayed at the events. Cost is $25 per Individual, $75 per Family, $100 per Small Business and $175 or more per Large Business. For more information, please email