The Catholic Leadership Institute is conducting a parish wide survey about discipleship. We want as many parishioners as possible to complete a 10-15 minute survey. The survey is available until November 22nd and will ask you to reflect on your own spiritual growth and enable you to provide feedback on what our parish is doing to help you grow.
To access the survey online, please click the button below. Many languages are available for your convenience.
Paper surveys (in English & Spanish) are also available in the Parish Office. To make arrangements, please contact Jay at 510-537-0806. When your survey is complete, please return it to the Parish Office mail slot before November 22nd.
The survey results will be invaluable to Fr. Tom, the staff, and our many volunteers as we seek to best support everyone in their discipleship journey. We look forward to sharing the findings with you when the project is complete. Thank you for helping with this important project! Every Voice Counts!