As you know, every summer FESCO, (Family Emergency Shelter Coalition), sponsors a backpack drive that our church generously supports. This drive supplies the children of the FESCO families with school supplies they will need for the upcoming academic year. We are hoping that you will consider participating in this event.
If you would like to participate, we are asking you to “adopt” a student. An organization has generously agreed to donate backpacks, so you would just need to provide the supplies for a backpack and put them in a paper bag. For the student you “adopt,” we will give you the list of supplies specific to your student’s grade level. After all the supply bags are turned in, we will transfer the supplies to the donated backpacks. We estimate that all of the needed supplies for a backpack will cost $30 – $50 depending on the grade level and where you shop.
You can sign up for a backpack at the entrances to the church after the Masses on July 9th, 2023. Thank you for your generosity!