Serving the Catholic Community of Castro Valley

Women’s Faith Share Group

What does the Catholic Church teach about the end times?  Is the idea of “the rapture” a Biblical concept?  How does one read the Book of Revelation?  Many Christians are unaware that the Catholic church has very explicit teachings about the Tribulation, the Antichrist, the Second Coming, and the New Creation.  

Ladies, please join us for this 8-part video Bible study on Jesus and the End Times presented by Dr. Brant Pitre. 

Dates:  Tuesdays from September 17th to November 5th

Time:     7:00pm–8:30pm

Where:  Stack Center – Room 7

If you have questions, please contact Heidi Denzler at 510-881-7850 or  You may also sign-up by contacting Jay in the Parish Office at 510-537-0806.