If you are a student in grades 5th-12th, we would like to invite you to become Altar Servers at the weekend Masses. If you have served in the past or a first-timer, please let us know of your interest. There are forms available for you to pick up after Mass–they are at the front of the church on the organ console–just take one out of the basket and follow the instructions. Thanks so much for volunteering.
Servers must have received the first three Sacraments of the Church which are: Baptism, First Reconciliation, and First Holy Eucharist.
You will be required to attend FIVE of six 75 minute Training Sessions starting at 3:15pm as follows:
Thursdays—Sept 8th, 15th, 22nd
Mondays—Sept 12th, 19th, 26th
Students who commute will train the same days, from 4:00—5:15pm.